欧文原著 (* corresponding author)
Zhang, H., Ishii, K., Shibata, T., Ishii, S., Hirao, M., Lu, Z., Takamura, R., Kitano, S., Miyachi, H., Kageyama. R., Itakura, E. and *Kobayashi, T. Fluctuation of lysosomal protein degradation in neural stem cells of postnatal mouse brain. Development. 151, dev202231 (2024)
Park, G., Shin, M., Lee, W. Hotta, A., Kobayashi, T. and *Kosodo, Y.
Direct visualization of the transition status during neural differentiation by dual-fluorescent reporter
human pluripotent stem cells.
Stem Cell Reports. 17, 1903-1913 (2022) -
Kaise, T., Fukui, M., Sueda, R., Piao, W., Yamada, M., Kobayashi, T., Imayoshi, I. and *Kageyama, R.
Functional rejuvenation of aged neural stem cells by Plagl2 and anti-Dyrk1a activity.
Genes Dev. 36, 23-37 (2022) -
Zhang, J., Uchiyama, J., Imami, K., Ishihama, Y., Kageyama, R. and *Kobayashi, T. Novel roles of small extracellular vesicles in regulating the quiescence and proliferation of neural stem cells. Front. Cell. Dev. Biol. 9, 762293 (2021)
*Kobayashi, T., Piao, W., Takamura, T., Kori, H., Miyachi, H., Kitano, S., Iwamoto, Y., Yamada, M., Imayoshi, I., Shioda, S., Ballabio, A., and *Kageyama, R. Enhanced lysosomal degradation maintains the quiescent state of neural stem cells. Nat. Commun. 10, 5446. (2019)
Komori, H., Golden, K. L., Kobayashi, T., Kageyama, R., and *Lee, C.-Y. Multilayered gene control drives timely exit from the stem cell state in uncommitted progenitors during Drosophila asymmetric neural stem cell division. Genes Dev. 32, 1–12. (2018)
*Kobayashi, T., Iwamoto, Y., Takashima, K, Isomura, A., Kosodo, Y., Kawakami, K., Nishioka, T.,Kaibuchi, K., and *Kageyama, R. Deubiquitinating enzymes regulate Hes1 stability and neuronal differentiation. FEBS J. 282, 2475-2487. (2015)
Nagashima, F., Suzuki, I. K., Shitamukai, A., Sakaguchi, H., Iwashita, M., Kobayashi, T., Tone, S., Toida, K., Vanderhaeghen, P. and *Kosodo, Y. Novel and robust transplantation reveals the acquisition of polarized processes by cortical cells derived from mouse and human pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cells Dev. 23, 2129-2142. (2014)
Ueo, T., Imayoshi, I., Kobayashi, T., Ohtsuka, T., Seno, H., Nakase, H., Chiba, T. and *Kageyama, R. The role of Hes genes in intestinal development, homeostasis and tumor formation. Development. 139, 1071-1082. (2012)
*Kobayashi, T. and *Kageyama, R. Hes1 regulates embryonic stem cell differentiation by suppressing Notch signaling. Genes Cells. 15, 689-698. (2010)
*Kobayashi, T., Mizuno, H., Imayoshi, I., Furusawa, C., Shirahige, K. and *Kageyama, R. The cyclic gene Hes1 contributes to diverse differentiation responses of embryonic stem cells. Genes & Development. 23, 1870-1875. (2009)
Ishii, A., Kobayashi, T. and *Kageyama, R. Requirement of multiple lysine residues for the transcriptional activity and the instability of Hes7. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 372, 142-6. (2008)
Kobayashi, T., Manno, A. and *Kakizuka, A. Involvement of valosin-containing protein (VCP)/p97 in the formation and clearance of abnormal protein aggregates. Genes Cells. 12, 889-901. (2007)
Kobayashi, T., Tanaka, K., Inoue, K. and *Kakizuka, A. Functional ATPase activity of p97/valosin-containing protein (VCP) is required for the quality control of endoplasmic reticulum in neuronally differentiated mammalian PC12 cells. J. Biol. Chem. 277, 47358-65. (2002)
Kobayashi, T., Takahashi, Y. and *Ito, K. Identification of a segment of DsbB essential for its respiration-coupled oxidation. Molecular Microbiology 39, 158-165. (2001)
Kobayashi, T. and *Ito, K. Respiratory chain strongly oxidizes the CXXC motif of DsbB in the Escherichia coli dislfide bond formation pathway. The EMBO Journal. 18, 1192-1198. (1999)
Kobayashi, T., Kishigami, S., Sone, M., Inokuchi, H., Mogi, T. and *Ito, K. Respiratory chain is required to maintain oxidized states of DsbA-DsbB disulfide bond formation system in aerobically growing Escherichia coli cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94, 11857-11862. (1997)
欧文総説 (* corresponding author)
*Kobayashi, T. Protein homeostasis and degradation in quiescent neural stem cells. J. Biochem. 175, 481–486. (2024)
*Kobayashi, T. and *Kageyama, R. Lysosomes and signaling pathways for maintenance of quiescence in adult neural stem cells. FEBS J. (2020)
*Kobayashi, T. and *Kageyama, R. Expression dynamics and functions of Hes genes in development and diseases. Curr Top Dev Biol. 110, 263-283. (2014)
Harima, Y., Imayoshi, I., Shimojo, H., Kobayashi, T., and Kageyama, R. The roles and mechanism of ultradian oscillatory expression of the mouse Hes genes. Semin Cell Dev Biol. 34, 85-90. (2014)
*Kobayashi, T. and Kageyama, R. Hes1 oscillations contribute to heterogeneous differentiation responses in embryonic stem cells. Genes. 2, 219-228 (2011)
*Kageyama, R., Niwa, Y., Shimojo, H., Kobayashi, T., Ohtsuka, T. Ultradian oscillations in Notch signaling regulate dynamic biological events. Curr. Top. Dev. Biol. 92, 311-331. (2010)
*Kobayashi, T. and Kageyama, R. Hes1 oscillation: making variable choices for stem cell differentiation. Cell Cycle. 9, 207-8. (2010)
*Kobayashi, T. and Kageyama, R. Dynamic advances in NF-kappaB signaling analysis. Sci Signal. 2, pe47. (2009)
*Kageyama, R., Ohtsuka, T. and Kobayashi, T. Roles of Hes genes in neural development. Dev Growth Differ. 50 Suppl 1, S97-103. (2008)
*Kageyama, R., Ohtsuka, T. and Kobayashi, T. The Hes gene family: repressors and oscillators that orchestrate embryogenesis. Development. 134, 1243-51. (2007)
Kobayashi, T. and *Kakizuka, A. Molecular analyses of Machado-Joseph disease. Cytogenet Genome Res. 100, 261-75. (2003)
*小林妙子 神経幹細胞におけるリソソーム機能 実験医学 41(11), 1743-1747. (2023)
*小林妙子(ゲストエディター)特集「リソソーム研究の新展開「特集によせて」生体の科学73巻3号, 190.(2022)
「成体神経幹細胞の休眠を制御しているリソソーム -
*小林妙子「Hesファミリー」脳科学辞典(2013) DOI:10.14931/bsd.1880 生体の科学73巻3号, 196−201.(2022)
*小林妙子、影山龍一郎「幹細胞分化の運命決定に寄与するリズム現象」医学のあゆみ 235, 953-954. (2010)
*影山龍一郎、小林妙子「bHLH 因子 Hes1 による神経分化制御」蛋白質 核酸 酵素 53, 318-3239. (2008)